It’s time for me to take on a new topic on the blog. I have been experimenting, working and blogging a lot about SCCM, Intune and Co-management, but never really touched base with Windows AutoPilot. Time is due and this will be the first in a series of posts about Windows AutoPilot and how to eventually reach Co-management with SCCM and Microsoft Intune through Windows AutoPilot.
First things first though. This post will give you everything you need to know on how to properly get started with Windows AutoPilot. Curious? Read on 🙂
A peek into my AutoPilot devices in my test tenant 🙂
In line with traditional practice on my blog, I’m kicking off my posts with an introduction – this time is no different.
The topic is something new however, and that’s even though I have been a frequent SCUG.DK attendee the past many years. I don’t dare to make a promise about making this an habit either, but I do think this event in particular deserves a written summary. So here goes my very first of it’s kind; the summary of SCUG.DK Fall Edition starring David James also known as @djammmer on Twitter.
And by the way, I’m not used to doing summaries – so please bare with me if I missed something obvious. I took notes and did a lot of pictures while tweeting live from the event, so there’s a slight chance I missed out on a thing or two. Apologies in advance.
Also, during this event there was a dedicated request to do tweets with the #MMSMOA hashtag for the chance of winning a trip to MMS 2018 Desert Edition, so if browsing Twitter for interesting Tweets, you will find some of them located on both #SCUGDK and #MMSMOA. 🙂
More good news! Microsoft Intune now provides us with an even easier way to pre-configure an e-mail account for Outlook on iOS (and android). This is done with the use of an App Configuration Policy and the additions to the configuration designer when configuring the Outlook app. Let’s walk through the process.
A peek into the Microsoft 365 device management portal
No real introduction is needed here. Long story short is, if you installed the new Windows 10 ADK v1809 and the new Windows PE add-on, chances are that you have issues with WPF forms in Powershell in Windows PE.
Luckily we have Twitter and the community is darn fast in sharing workarounds and what not – and this time is no different. More specifically these two conversations on Twitter by @AdamGrossTX and @ferozekhan267oa are interesting.
@ferozekhan267oa mentioned that replacing ‘UIAutomationCore.dll’ in Windows PE was fixing the problem in his end, so I decided to give it a go as well.
I’m using NickolajA‘s ConfigMgr front end, both in production and in labs, so when I updated to the new v1809 ADK and Windows PE, I immediately spotted that something was wrong; no frontend was ever being launched and SMSTS.log was indicating issues as well.
Continuing on the Windows 10 1809 journey from wednesday! As something completely new, RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) is now included as a set of “Features on Demand” in Windows 10 itself and is no longer something you download and install separately.
You can obviously install the tools manually in Windows (this is done from the settings menu and from there select to Manage Optional Features), but as always, we don’t like to do stuff manually. Therefore I created a complete Powershell script which can be used in SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) in an unattended and automated deployment.
Good news everyone! Windows 10 1809 was released today and among other awesome things, that also brings us an updated version of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK).
As we all know, the Windows ADK is a requirement for doing OSD (Operating System Deployment) using SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager), so let’s walk through a step-by-step guide on how to install this latest and greatest version.
Sneak peek at the version of the boot images post upgrading to the new ADK
Not going to do a great introduction on this one, but I think it deserves a mention anyway (I couldn’t find the situation or error explained elsewhere). More specifically, this is about an error I encountered myself in a Co-management scenario, where the computer fails the auto enrollment into Intune MDM. Let’s dig in 🙂
This is a topic I see quite often as well. Both on the TechNet forums as well as in the facebook groups I follow. So hereby a continuation of my back to basics series, giving you some insights on the Client Push installation process and how to troubleshoot some of the most common issues.
Sneek peak at the SCCM console when about to initiate a client push installation
My previous post was about Patch My PC and Third-Party Software Updates in SCCM 1806. This one is a quick continuation, where I’m going to share a complete Powershell script to create collections for (at the time of writing) 23 different third-party products. Products that’s all available through Patch My PCs update catalog.
Currently Patch My PC has 272 different products in their catalog. I initially needed collections for the first 23. This is work in progress. I will add more products to it as an ongoing process. (Bare with me, there’s a lot of work involved into installing the applications, creating the queries and testing them)
Also, I have no idea if this is something that’s already been created out there, but that’s no excuse not to do another one. 🙂