Deploy the SCCM Client using Microsoft Intune and the Cloud Management Gateway (CMG without PKI certificates)


Last week I blogged about how to get properly started with Windows AutoPilot. This week I’m continuing on the topic, and going into details on how you can deploy the SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) client as a part of the Windows AutoPilot enrollment and thus achieve Co-management with SCCM and Microsoft Intune.

I have previously blogged a lot about Co-management. Focus here has been enrolling devices already managed by SCCM into Intune MDM.

This post is the opposite. This time we are deploying a device through Windows AutoPilot, enrolling it into Microsoft Intune and then deploying the SCCM client through the Cloud Management Gateway. Sounds interesting? Read on 🙂

  • Find all my Co-management posts here:
    • My post about setting up the Cloud Management Gateway without PKI certificates is especially of interest if pursuing Co-management

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How to get properly started with Windows AutoPilot: Everything you initially need to know!


It’s time for me to take on a new topic on the blog. I have been experimenting, working and blogging a lot about SCCM, Intune and Co-management, but never really touched base with Windows AutoPilot. Time is due and this will be the first in a series of posts about Windows AutoPilot and how to eventually reach Co-management with SCCM and Microsoft Intune through Windows AutoPilot.

First things first though. This post will give you everything you need to know on how to properly get started with Windows AutoPilot. Curious? Read on 🙂

A peek into my AutoPilot devices in my test tenant 🙂

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Summary of SCUG.DK meeting (System Center User Group Denmark) Fall Edition starring David James


In line with traditional practice on my blog, I’m kicking off my posts with an introduction – this time is no different.

The topic is something new however, and that’s even though I have been a frequent SCUG.DK attendee the past many years. I don’t dare to make a promise about making this an habit either, but I do think this event in particular deserves a written summary. So here goes my very first of it’s kind; the summary of SCUG.DK Fall Edition starring David James also known as @djammmer on Twitter.

And by the way, I’m not used to doing summaries – so please bare with me if I missed something obvious. I took notes and did a lot of pictures while tweeting live from the event, so there’s a slight chance I missed out on a thing or two. Apologies in advance.

Also, during this event there was a dedicated request to do tweets with the #MMSMOA hashtag for the chance of winning a trip to MMS 2018 Desert Edition, so if browsing Twitter for interesting Tweets, you will find some of them located on both #SCUGDK and #MMSMOA. 🙂

Front row seats at the SCUG.DK meeting

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Deploy Outlook for iOS with a Managed Exchange Account using Microsoft Intune


More good news! Microsoft Intune now provides us with an even easier way to pre-configure an e-mail account for Outlook on iOS (and android). This is done with the use of an App Configuration Policy and the additions to the configuration designer when configuring the Outlook app. Let’s walk through the process.

A peek into the Microsoft 365 device management portal

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Auto MDM Enrollment fails with error code 0x8018002a (Troubleshooting MDM enrollment errors. Co-management with ConfigMgr and Intune)


Not going to do a great introduction on this one, but I think it deserves a mention anyway (I couldn’t find the situation or error explained elsewhere). More specifically, this is about an error I encountered myself in a Co-management scenario, where the computer fails the auto enrollment into Intune MDM. Let’s dig in 🙂

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Block access to company resources if running an out-of-date iOS version using Microsoft Intune and Conditional Access


Do you need a simple, but yet effective way of forcing people into updating iOS on their company enrolled Apple devices? Simply block access to company resources if iOS is not up to date. Here is how you can do that using Microsoft Intune and Conditional Access in Microsoft Azure.

Peek into Microsoft Intune and the device compliance policies

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Flipping the switch, part 4: Moving Device Configuration workload to Intune MDM (Co-management with SCCM 1806)


Again, continuing the Co-management and flipping the switch journey, and moving the brand new Device Configuration workload to Intune MDM. This is the latest addition to the co-management world introduced in Configuration Manager 1806 (released 2 days ago at time of writing) and it’s absolutely amazing.

This means we finally (almost) can ditch group policies altogether and do our device configurations with Intune MDM. I will give you how to and an excellent example in this post. Read on. 🙂

The highlighted configurations now also work on co-managed computers

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5 simple (and perhaps out of the ordinary) advice on how to improve and strengthen your SCCM and Intune knowledge


This will be something completely different and new coming from my end. So please be aware; a lot of strong coffee is potentially needed. That be, because I usually talk about how to do something technically around Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune, or something technically related to those topics, and the typical reader would probably expect content in that context.

This time I’m going beyond that. “Why?” you may ask. Because I felt like giving back with a topic and content that I know that can make a difference. Not just limited to a specific technical topic, but as a whole, make a difference on how one will succeed in general with Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune (and possibly other stuff too).

I believe in helping and promoting others, and as of such, I will give you 5 (and possibly some unique) advice on how you can improve and strengthen your SCCM and Intune knowledge. (No guarantees though, but the bullets mentioned in this post helped me a lot)

Climb the pile of SCCM and Intune knowledge

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Conditional Access: Restrict access to company resources and only grant access to trusted IPs


I have previously given a few examples on use cases for Conditional Access, and I admit, for the Conditional Access newbie, the options available can seem daunting. So how about a very simple scenario, where access to company resources are blocked, if not coming from a trusted IP?

Imagine service accounts running some Powershell scripts for automation in your Azure/O365 tenant or other accounts who are never meant to be used outside of your organization. Simply block those from authenticating in Azure/O365 if not coming from your headquarter public IP. This is how you can do just that, using Conditional Access.

Illustration of the conditions of a Conditional Access rule. In this scenario, location is in focus

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Flipping the switch, part 3: Moving Software Updates workload to Intune MDM (Co-management with SCCM)


Continuing on the Co-management and flipping the switch journey. I have previously been going through how to initially enable Co-management with Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune, and how to move some of the Endpoint Protection workloads to Intune MDM.

This time I will walk you through how I moved the Software Updates workload from Configuration Manager to Intune MDM. Everything still based on a production environment and along the lines some additional ramblings on the topic.

Example of 2 Windows 10 update rings in Microsoft Intune

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