

Hi, my name is Martin Bengtsson, a former 5-time Microsoft MVP (2019 to 2024). I’m an IT professional specializing in Microsoft Configuration Manager, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft 365, Azure, and the Windows family of Operating Systems.

This blog serves as my notebook and a platform to share my thoughts, ideas, and ramblings on all things techie with anyone who’s interested.

I blog about real-world scenarios, often based on my own production environment. While I don’t reveal confidential information, I aim to provide valuable insights for my audience. I believe this approach makes my posts more appealing and inspiring.

I have been working with the family of Microsoft products the past 20 years. Some of my focus areas are:

  • Configuration Manager
  • Microsoft Intune
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft 365
  • Active Directory
  • Group Policy Management
  • Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
  • Microsoft Windows Server Operating Systems
  • Office 365 administration
  • PowerShell automation
  • Endpoint security

E-mail: mab at imab.dk

All blog postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties and is not supported by the author.

12 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello

    Thank you for the toast script! I was wondering if it is possible to change the action button to point at an url link? Namely ADSELFSERVICE. Its is a service user can change their passwords, and if I can link the url to the action button it would be optimal. Either I love the script. thank you again!

  2. Is there a way to run the toast notification script in debug mode? I want to test some changes without deploying it.

  3. Hej Martin and thanks for an awesome blog!

    I just wanted to know if you have tested Windows Hello For business Cloud Trust and if you know how to make it work with RDP/RDGW?


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